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What are Tachyons?


  • A Tachyon is a hypothetical particle that always moves faster than light.

  • Most physicists believe that faster-than-light particles cannot exist because they are not consistent with the known laws of physics.

  • If such particles did exist, they could be used to build a tachyon anti-telephone and send signals faster than light, which would lead to violations of causality.

  • Because a tachyon would always move faster than light, it would not be possible to see it approaching.

  • After a tachyon has passed nearby, we would be able to see two images of it, appearing and departing in opposite directions.

  • In some theories the mass of Tachyon is regarded as imaginary, in some modern formulations the mass is considered real,the formulas for the momentum and energy being redefined to this end. Moreover, since tachyons are constrained to the space like portion of the energy–momentum graph, it could not slow down to subluminal speeds.

  •  unlike ordinary particles, the speed of a tachyon increases as its energy decreases.

  • As noted by Einstein, Tolman, and others, special relativity implies that faster-than-light particles, if they existed, could be used to communicate backwards in time.

Posted By ,
Chandralekha Maheshwari.


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